Monday, August 13, 2012

Publishing Options, By Tracey Vale

The following was written for a business client, but is equally relevant to any field of fiction or non-fiction.

  • Traditional Publisher: Requires an agent for representation; no fee to publish; pays an advance (although, not always); generally takes 50% of the book price; has prestige; marketing and distribution is taken care of but the author also needs to work on marketing.

  • Self Publish in text book format. There are a few options:

(1) Pay a printer to publish a number of books up front. The cost per book decreases with a larger order. You will need to organise appropriate type-setting, layout and design first. You will also need to handle all marketing, promotion and distribution.

A distribution company can be used. They will need to accept the book first and can be quite choosey. Your books, say 1000, are taken on consignment and are promoted and delivered to bookstores. They will re-order as the bookstores demand.

(2) Use an online publisher to self publish. There are a number of these available and most are full-service re editing, design, layout etc. Again, the price per book decreases with a larger order. An example is

(3) Print on Demand. There are also a number of these on the web and they are also full service re design etc. The cost to the buyer is generally higher per book but can still be cost effective. They are especially useful for those not wanting to pay costs in advance. An example is and Distribution is also handled through the publisher’s website.

You have more creative control when self publishing and will need to do, or organise, all the marketing yourself, although book publishers with an online presence will display, sell and distribute your book. There are also better profit margins to self-publishing.

  • Self Publish in e-book format. The e-book has the highest profit margin and eases distribution. A website dedicated to the book is required along with an appropriate sales letter.

  • Upload in e-book format. Sell your e-book through Amazon and Barnes & Noble etc.

  • Combine. A combination of options works well and is generally adopted. For example, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey and first published in 1989, is currently (16/7/12) number one on Amazon’s Top 100 bestseller list for business and investing in e-book (kindle) format. It is also at number three in paperback version and number 17 in audio format. (These have been in the bestseller list for between 490 and 2003 days prior to the day of his death, July 18, 2012, and are still rising.)

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