Monday, January 10, 2011

Lady Comp--the world's most advanced natural fertility device, By Tracey Vale

Birth Control with the Lady-Comp fertility monitor is currently the most advanced natural fertility
management device in the world and holds it's main focus on women's long-term health and wellbeing.

Lady Comp is programmed with all available natural family planning research data. The computer uses biomathematical forecasting calculations as well as the very latest computer techniques. Lady Comp contains the first medical expertise to help provide safe, reliable and natural birth control.

The fertile and infertile days can be determined without intervention in the body's natural functions.

Unhealthy and disturbing side-effects caused by other forms of contraception, such as the pill, are a common complaint among many women. These problems are elliminated with the use of the Lady Comp, offering contraception without drugs and subsequent side-effects.

The device is simple to use, with one button pressed and the temperature taken orally with the computer's thermal sensor, and takes just 30 seconds a day. 

Firstly, the temperature is taken and then information about the menstrual dates is requested. This information is evaluated and is compared with more than 700 000 cycles. Next, a diagnosis is made regarding the fertility of the next 24 hours as well as the next six days. The reliability of this diagnosis has been confirmed in many independent clinical tests.

Impressively,  these independent clinical studies have concluded that the Lady Comp is 99.3 percent reliable and is backed by FDA approval. It is a safe, reliable , natural and non-intrusive birth control method and is also quick and easy to operate.

Lady Comp has its origins in Germany, where its developers, Valley Electronics GmbH, are headquartered in Eschenloe, and is now sold worldwide. The company was established in 1986 by Doctor Hubertus Rechberg for the purpose of developing and selling the world's first family planning computer, Baby-Comp.

Since then, a team of gynaecologists, software specialists, electronics engineers, and designers has been continuously engaged in improving the fertility computers. In 1992, Lady Comp was introduced, and based on the results of user surveys, it was followed in 2004 by the small and convenient Pearly version for women on the go. All computers are ISO-certified.

At the same time, Valley Electronics GmbH has continuously developed a worldwide network of distribution partners.

In 1997 Valley Electronics GmbH had the effectiveness of its products assessed by independent experts. With a Pearl Index of 0.7 the fertility computers from Eschenlohe are the world's smartest fertility computers and the most effective birth control methods on the market.

Twenty years ago, birth control pills were synonymous with safe contraception. Feedback from many users has shown that fertility computers are far more than just a contraceptive device. They are a reflection of women taking a proactive, informed, healthy and sensible approach to their own body awareness, which includes effective contraception.

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